Art and music were the muse for Jesus Soto, one of the greatest Venezuelan modern artists
When we speak of Jesus Soto, one of the first things that come to mind is his legacy in the world of kinetic art.
His works are part of the imaginary collective , not only in Caracas, but also in great part of the world.
Soto´s love for art is closely related to his passion for music and his ability to captivate people, to move them.
For him, this was the key, what was needed, to make it possible for his art to transcend from its static state to another more dynamic.
Soto: “Why is it that the plastic arts cannot code at least one part of its management to go further?
A certain book happened to fall in my lap. It was by René Leibowitz, one of Schönberg’s students, titled “Schönberg et son école¨( Schonberg and his School), and reading it once again, with much attention, almost one page a day, I found a serial system, in which, according to books, there are permutations in a system of 12 notes.
I prepared a type of list of numeric codes, asking myself what could be best for controlling the plastic arts. Suddenly, it occurred to me that it was color. I selected a base of three initial colors: blue, red and yellow. With their complementary colors, I had six colors, to which I added white and black.
Hereafter I made a list of the eight numbers. I took my enumerated colors and somehow applied the system of permutations of the seriated artists, respecting exactly the product of a series. If after red came black, I would respect this.
The great surprise was that after having applied this system, my paintings turned beautiful. The color was radiant and began vibrating. It made a separate form of small round points, separated by half a centimeter.
After discovering that this completely rigid system would propose to me an optical sensation that was very visual, and that the surface would begin to vibrate, I told myself that perhaps this was my path to take.
My path was also my concern for making planes advance, therefore beginning to make overlapping. I observed that the identical elements can interact, and begin to vibrate ant to create an immense luminous mass.
It would form as a light between two planes, the space, and not only the surface would begin to vibrate, at that moment I felt that I was touching a fourth dimension…