What is Contemporary Art?


We will explain its definition and the different ways in which it can be expressed. 

To find a definition of “contemporary art” can be a tricky task… 

A simple way to define it May be “the art made for living artists”  or “the art of today”, but both can be a short definition of Contemporary Art.

Then, which should be a BETTER definition of Contemporary Art?

The term “Contemporary Art” refers to painting, sculpture, photography, installation, performance, and video art produced “today”

And for “today” we mean the art produced during the late te 20th Century and the early 21st Century

An important feature about Contemporary Art is that it can be expressed by dynamic combinations of materials, methods, themes, and subjects. 

For the artist, it is a continuous challenge of boundaries, a pursuit of new ways to reflect their current culture, political climates, popular trends, or self expressions. 

This is why Contemporary Art schools have no single point of view or objective. Instead, it is a multifaceted reflection of a great diversity of perspectives. A complex mix of identity, body, technology, society, culture, and memory.

Se Contemporary Art Vision.

Horses as inspiration

Horses as inspiration

For Oscar Zañartu, horses are part of his inspiration It is for this reason that in most of his works, you can see the image of one or more of them, some...

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