Horses as inspiration


For Oscar Zañartu, horses are part of his inspiration

It is for this reason that in most of his works, you can see the image of one or more of them, some galloping, others serene. Art that conveys different sensations depending on the eye with which you look at them.

“All the references that come from horses come from my childhood, television, battle heroes and conquerors. The horse has always been linked to the human being, from the beginning of civilization to the present”, he says.

Although he has drawn other animals, the horse continues to be his main character and his main motif.
It is gratifying for this master of brushstrokes to see the reaction of the public when they observe his work, as are the comments he receives from his viewers. An example can be seen with Roberto Guevara, who was the national director of the Museums of Venezuela.

Guevara expressed: “Oscar Zañartu is an artist who combines all of those impulses that seem to have their origin in the survival of the first sources of action (…), he carries primordial fires that illuminate the first drawings of childhood, the tumultuous protests of adolescence and then prepares with a reinforced emphasis in order to cross the forest of symbols that is the language of reality for the assumed youth”. 

On his part, Luis Sutherland (father) manifested that “Zañartu goes beyond the other reality where the world acquires a presence in a dimensión that does not intend to imitate nature, but rather seeks to transmit fluids of the unconscious, archetypes and symbology felt beyond our understanding of what is real (…) The horse symbolism has generated a fascination over time within other artists such as, Géricault, Delacroix, Goya, among others.

A tradition that continues in the work of Zañartu, as is the case of the Horse Towards the Unknown, which constitutes as one of his most important painting. With this work, he has achieved an amazing degree of perfection.His art was not only known on a national level.

He presented them in Paris, at the Tangara Cultural Center, in the Cité Internationale des Arts exhibition in the Arver De Mars y Space galleries. In 1982 he won the Critven Prize, in 1991 he was awarded the Itinerant prize for painting in Levallois Perret, France. As well as in England, Spain, Belgium, and the United States. He also won the Omar Carreno National Painting Prize in 2019. 


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What is Contemporary Art?

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