Havana, Cuba

Ivonne Ferrer
There are a number of traits that emerge in her works and may be seen as part of a consistent vision to create a unique and surreal narrative through paint, collage, and appropriations from a variety of sources that descend from popular culture, Cuba’s remarkable graphic tradition, and the world of mythology and literature.
Like Alice in Wonderland signified for Lewis Carroll both a confused exterior world she encountered on her travels, and her own fragmented behavior ever fluctuating between fantasy and reality.
Ivonne Ferrer uses her imagination to relate her own personal narrative based on life’s and art’s experiences.
Using a Neo-Pop system of appropriation with comics, photographs, advertisements, and other literary sources as material for idiosyncratic messages that may be understood by the artist alone, Ferrer seduces the viewer into partial understanding, further confusing her bizarre narrative.
There appears to be a symbolic language that meanders through the works and unites the selection of imagery – from the statuary to the literary.
It is this control, a formalistic skillset, that Yvonne Ferrer brings to works that express the surprising accumulation of images for the purpose of transcending the real world, as much as annexing so much of it as the chance encounters of time and place.
Carol Damian, Ph.D.