Miami, USA

Lynn Kislak
Lynn was raised surrounded by the bright light and open spaces of Miami, Florida, where she lives today. Dance classes and piano lessons, a favored part of her upbringing, immersed her in the surging emotions of music and dance that today are integral to her paintings and sculptures.
Lynn studied photography, focusing on black and white landscapes, spending many years capturing, developing, and printing images. A fascination with the innate beauty of light and shadow, movement and stillness, patterns and possibilities in nature’s multitudinous forms is woven into her sculptural creations.
One day, more than 25 years ago, while walking through a manufacturing shop, she was drawn to pieces of aluminum eggcrate, an industrial product frequently used in elevator ceilings. Fascinated with the woven aspect of this material, she began to shape it, creating wall hangings and smaller sculptures. Over the years, these sculptures evolved into what are today unique explorations using functional materials to create works of art.
Lynn is constantly searching for new materials to celebrate life in all its many forms, aware that inanimate objects have an inherent beauty and sculptural quality that can be shaped to reflect emotions and possibilities experienced by all.