Abstractions, world of the intangible


Ninoska Huerta Gallery invites you to come and enjoy originals artworks by Jesus Soto, Carlos Cruz Diez, Darío Pérez Flores, Paúl Amundaraín

Nov 18 2021, until Feb 28, 2022

This exhibition brings together a selection of highly representative works by artists who transit among the constellation of Kinetic art and Geometric Abstraction: Carlos Cruz Diez (Caracas, 1923- Paris, 2019) Jesús Soto (Ciudad Bolívar- 1923, Paris, 2005), Darío Pérez-Flores (Valera, 1936) and Paul Amundarain (Caracas, 1985).

In her profile, Ninoska Huerta, as a gallery owner, collector and editor, as well as a collections advisor, has been a privileged witness and has closely followed this development; above all, through the works of three great artists gathered in “Abstractions, world of the intangible “, with whom she has maintained a close relationship: Cruz Diez, Soto and Pérez-Flores and also more recently with Amundarain. With the first two, she worked directly in Paris and Caracas in the 1990s. An example of this relationship is the already anthological exhibition “SOTO” (1998), produced by Mrs. Huerta as director of the Petróleos de Venezuela Exhibition Hall in Caracas (PDVSA). The great reception of the exhibition led to a wonderful book “Soto and the Writing” (2000), where Soto’s texts are related to one of the great voices of the Latin American literature of the 20th century, Prince of Asturias Award winner Dr. Arturo Uslar Pietri. Dialogue accompanied by the writings of Dr. Carlos Silva (art critic, director of the National Art Gallery) and introductory text by Ninoska Huerta.

From this stage are, for example, the impressive “Curvas y Lineas Rectas” (1999) or “Esfera Amarilla y Negra” (1997), where Soto questions the viewer’s perceptual codes. From Cruz-Diez there are, among others, “Cromointerference Manipulable Marion A” (2009). She also shared a personal bond throughout his entire career with Pérez-Flores, represented at the show with works such as, among others, “Prochromatic 1035” (2007). In recent years, Huerta has also supported young Amundarain since his beginnings, who participates at this exhibition with “Barrier Series / 13 pieces” (2021).

“Abstractions, world of the intangible” strikes the art of Abstraction in general and Kinetic Art through the works of three artist generations who have renewed Abstract language from their respective points of view. In each of them we discover that the perception of reality, the objective and subjective mechanisms that make it possible, are the gravity center of all these artworks. Soto and Cruz-Diez, from a mathematical rationality, entering the space-time labyrinths that describe the magical combination between lines and color, with projections that illuminate our eyes. Pérez-Flores, exploits the perception traversed by a less iridescent retinal sensuality and more compact light, aware of the effects produced by his works. Amundarain launches us with a more objectual and installative work to the territory of Abstract language experimentation, precisely seeking the synthesis between, poetic resources from Kineticism and, elements of the Abstract Geometric Avant-garde. ” Abstractions, world of the intangible ” also reveals Ninoska Huerta’s special relationship with the biography of these artists and their careers within the field of Kinetic art and Geometric Abstraction, both conscientiously embarked on the obsession of modernity, of making perceptible an immeasurable and intangible reality.



Dennys Matos, Miami, 11- 18-2021

626 Coral Way. Suite 601, Coral Gables, FL 33134