William Barboza

1955, Ocana, Colombia.


A self-taught artist, his incursion and subsequent total commitment to metal sculpting was guided by his work in the metallurgic industry, combined with a remarkable artistic sensibility and perseverance that placed him among the best exponents of Contemporary Latin American Culture.

Barbosa’s creative endeavor focuses on sculptures made out of metal. The artist’s production is defined as abstract and geometric constructivist art in its theoretical conception. It is divided into three types: sculptures as works of art that are autonomous and portable, sculptures functionally integrated into the architecture, and monumental scale sculptures intended for urban public spaces. A formal, technical and stylistic unity runs through the three types, which are personal, original, recognizable, coherent, consistent, solid, long-lasting, and, above all, harmonious, beautiful, clear, and eloquent.

Peran Erminy.



Singles To Multiples


Llafranc, España. Año 2015

Llafranc, España. Año 2015

Prototipo 2019

Prototipo 2019

Puerta Caracas

Puerta Caracas

Escultura funcional, Aluminio pintado. Colección privada. Caracas- Venezuela.

Escultura funcional, Aluminio pintado. Colección privada. Caracas- Venezuela.


Colección privada

Escultura funcional, Aluminio pintado. Colección privada. Caracas- Venezuela.

Escultura funcional, Aluminio pintado. Colección privada. Caracas- Venezuela.

Miami, FL 2016

Miami, FL 2016

Miami, FL 2016

Prototipo 2020 b

Puerta, Sin título, 2009

Puerta, Sin título, 2009


Escultura Funcional Base para mesa de sala. Aluminio-pintado


Escultura Plegado

Obra de arte funcional, Puerto la Cruz,Venezuela

Obra de arte funcional, Puerto la Cruz,Venezuela

Obra de arte funcional, Puerto la Cruz,Venezuela

Prototipo 2020

Ranchos de Chana 2014

Ranchos de Chana 2014

Serie Plegados

Serie Plegados